About Us
Impact Vision and Opportunity
The Native American Venture Fund (NAVF) provides impact investment opportunity to create unprecedented investor returns by leveraging “unique economic and legal advantages” afforded to federally and state recognized, Native American, Indian tribes by the US Government. (See PPM “Tribal Business Advantages”)
For Native American Tribes, NAVF creates a solid foundation for Tribal Enterprises to succeed by providing capital, leadership and vision to create highly scalable and sustainable tribal economies.
NAVF’s immediate objectives are to leverage a tribe’s economic and legal advantages to develop and operate successful business enterprises and provide job opportunities for tribal members and the local community workforce. Our long term goals are to provide tribes with income generating business operations enabling the tribes to become economic self-sufficient.
We are determined and convinced we will succeed at achieving the goals that we have established for ourselves and our tribal partners. Success will be achieved through the dedication of our investors and the talented team we assemble who see our vision at NAVF.
The combined efforts of our team at NAVF will forever change the lives of the people for whom these companies are established to help.